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Name of Adult:_________________________________ Phone :___________________  [] cell [] home



Requested Event Date: ___________________________Tee Time:  ____________________________ 


Birthday Child’s Name and Age: __________________________________


Party Packages (please select):


Miniature Golf Party - $10.00/playing guest: includes 1 round of mini-golf per person and the use of our party room and/or patio for up to 2 hours*. Birthday Child at no charge for groups of 10 or more.


Miniature Golf with Party Snacks - $15.50/playing guest: includes 1 round of mini-golf per person, 1 hot dog, 1 bag of popcorn, 1 ice cream novelty from Hershey case, and one drink (8 oz water or juice box) and use of our party room and/or patio for up to 2 hours*.  $10 credit for Birthday Child for groups of 10 or more.


Range Golf Party - $15.00/person: includes 1 large bucket of golf balls per person and the use of our party room and/or patio area for up to 2 hours*. This party is best for children 12 and older. $10 credit for Birthday Child for groups of 10 or more.


Miniature Golf & Range Party – $20.00/person: includes 1 round of mini-golf and use of range with unlimited balls during party as well as the use of our party room and/or outdoor patio for up to 3 hours*. This party is best for children 12 and older. $10 credit for Birthday Child for groups of 10 or more.


*Additional party room time can be reserved at a rate of $20/hour.


Food Options: We offer hot dogs, popcorn, hot pretzels, chips, ice cream novelties, water, and soft drinks as an
add-on to any package if desired.  Ask for pricing.


Expected number of playing guests:  ________  x  $_______ each = $ __________ (expected total)          

(Note: Birthday child is free for mini-golf party.)


Deposit: 50% of total required to hold date          


Deposit Paid On: _______     Amount: ________                 Note: Balance due day of party. Total due will be based on actual number of attendees.



Additional Notes:  

  • Customer can bring own food if desired. If so, customer to bring all paper products and serving utensils. Customer to serve and clean up. Servers available for an additional $25 for a 2-hour party. Each additional hour $10.

  • Customer can decorate room. Please remove all decorations at conclusion of party.

  • We offer food choices including hot dogs, popcorn, hot pretzels,  ice cream, and soft drinks

  • Inquire re pricing for your group.

  • Customer to leave party room as found and dispose of garbage in MFGC-supplied recycling and trash cans.



Your signature signifies that you agree to the above event policies, pricing and procedures and indicates that the Manchester Family Golf Center (MFGC) is not to be held liable for any personal injuries and/or personal damage to party goers and their parents/guardians. MFGC is not responsible for any lost items.  


Customer's Signature: ___________________________________   Date: _________________________


MFGC Representative: __________________________________   Date: _________________________

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